Make it specific

Working with clients on campaigns, one of the first tasks we set ourselves is to investigate two basic questions :

  1. What’s the main business objective that they think the campaign will meet? It could be increased revenue for example, broadening their target audience, more engagement on social media or maximising income from their existing community, etc

  2. What will be five key campaign objectives. As with any business plan, it’s always better if these are specific and measurable. Why, because it gives purpose and drive to any campaign and allows us to measure the success of the project. These could be more engagement on social media, increased revenue, an uptake in membership a % bump in sales, articles in national and international press and media, all of these come under the umbrella of useful campaign objectives that can help us help you. ‘Amplifying the voices of our followers’ is not a specific objective, for example, unless it’s tied to something measurable.

With specific and measurable objectives we can evaluate where you are and where you want to go.

To help clients we created a questionaire that’s designed to get you thinking about how to grow your business or community. If you’ve got a second, take a look and fill it out. We hope it helps. And if you want to chat, get in touch. Get bak.


Cultural Highlights #Leila


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