Why make a promo film?

Our team at bak have made a lot of award winning film content and we’re always looking to get involved with exciting new projects. We know it can be tricky for you to decide on whether or not you need a film and how best to use whatever budget you’ve got so we’ve compiled a short checklist to help you think about your film and how you can make the maximum impact with your content.

1.Who do you want to reach and how?

What’s your target audience? Is it customers, other businesses, funders, partners, the list goes on. Once you’ve made that decision we can dig down and look at the detail by creating brand personas for your audience, identifying which digital platforms they hang out on and where they’re most likely to see your film.

2. Set achievable and measurable targets for your film

For some clients this can be easy - more sales, more footfall, more tickets sold etc. For NGOs and charities that might be a little trickier. It could be more members, greater visibility, deeper engagement with their existing community. The film could act as a catalyst for raising awareness about a particular issue or donations. There could be a petition that requires signatures.

3. Paid ads

You’ve got a budget for the film or you wouldn’t be talking to us but have you got anything left over for paid ads? If you haven’t, have you got a plan and the resources to deliver organic views on social media and does the content warrant press and media interest that can drive viewing figures upwards. Our film for The Welsh Refugee Council was supported by an effective and hard working campaign manager and team. It was able to accumulate over 100K views on social media in just a few days and meet all the smart objectives we set.

Without the support of paid ads, savvy staff and a well thought out campaign plan the future for your film could be a few dozen fews on Youtube.

Once you’ve worked out what you’re trying to achieve, work out what your call to action is and make it visible on all your media platforms where we can see the film; Join, Subscribe, Donate, Visit, View, whatever it is, a clear call to action is an absolute must.

Is there anything you think we could add or would like to know?




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