Political Campaign in Wales and Turkey

bak is in a unique position of running political campaigns in two countries, one in the UK and one in Turkey. Though, if you know of any other agency who can lay claim to working for two of the fastest growing political organisations in Europe, please let us know.

At YesCymru our work morphed from developing creative campaigns to organisation and administration as the movement grew while we supported the transition to an incorporated limited company.

At TiP (The Turkish Workers Party) we’re working on a series of rolling campaigns each with distinct objectives as the party has grown. We’ve provided branding, design, visuals and copy and created billboard images that can be seen all over the country.

Since our campaign launch in April 2021:

  • Membership applications went 100% up on average for the following 9 months.

  • Twitter followers went up from around 80.000 to 100.000 in two months. Now it is at 184K




A New 3D Campaign Film Made on Unreal Engine